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Totally slacked on the Blog !!!

Wow it's been forever since I wrote anything here. I'm so sorry. The usual excuses job, animals , waiting hand and foot on The Goddess. Well no more excuses I've got a new schedule at work and one that should be conducive to lots of creative time. So I am promising to set aside regular time each week to spread word of The Goddess and my life dedicated to serving Her.

First news my new schedule is a good one. I go in a little earlier but I also get out earlier. And that evening time is much heavier in Goddess service needs than the morning is. Goddess Mixtrix is a morning person and tends to be very self sufficient in the early hours of each day.Her energy in dealing with Her Femdom Empire amazes me in the hours when i'm still in sub dream space or floundering to get my foggy brain moving at least at a dial up pace lol. Goddess Mixtrix is already updating Her site, while juggling boys ready to throw their money at a cerebral but still incredibly Hot and creatively filthy Goddess. Well of course because of this early Morning energy burn come evening time Goddess needs to relax and be pampered. And thus enters stevo ♫ Da Da Da Da Da Do Da ♫ fresh from work ready to give Goddess the attention She desires and so rightfully deserves. High fives all around! I'm happy and more importantly Goddess Mixtrix seems to be in favor of the current set up so far as well.

Big News April marks a Major Anniversary It was Five years ago (2013) in April that I first crossed paths in the chat room with not only my future but the future of Findom itself.The Amazing Incredible Goddess Mixtrix. Whenever She entered the chat all conversation would shift Her way and She really stood out as a dominant force not in a pushy "look at me " way, but in a natural smooth "this is how it should be" manner. It was only a short time later that I honestly pledged my life

(mind and body) in Her service forever. Five years ! have already gone by and it seems like its been only a matter of months. I am even more devoted than ever. Every Day I am reminded why I did this and why I was placed on this earth. Thank You Goddess Mixtrix for accepting my unworthy life.

I will be updating this blog regularly from now on and I really hope someone reads it and gets some enjoyment and maybe even some helpful information from reading about my life at the feet of The Perfect Goddess Mixtrix.

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