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Who is stevoslave ?

Who is stevoslave? And who really cares anyways? Two great questions to start out this Blog Site. Well the whole reason for this site is to basically give anyone who finds it interesting or arousing a little glimpse into the weird world that I inhabit. First off a disclaimer I am totally owned by the greatest Femdom Goddess Mixtrix. So of course in my views and comments on the fetish world I will be completely biased in Her favor constantly. Apart from that I am pretty open with my opinions and will not be afraid to espouse controversial takes on the fetish and vanilla worlds alike.

I was born in Beautiful Downtown Burbank California in the early sixties. Growing up as a quiet child I was an observer of people and an avid reader. The tumultuous decades of the sixties and seventies helped shape me into the inner person that I would always remain. Watching the Vietnam war showing daily on the nightly news,and the protests and knowing people whose brothers were being forced to fight die or worse in some far away jungle for a stretch of land that none of us would ever even want to visit. Then the Watergate debacle followed and a strong distrust of authority was firmly implanted in my psyche. Add that to growing up in the Catholic church and the world combined with genetics created the creature that I am. In the early seventies the family packed up and moved to Waikiki beach in the paradise of Hawaii. My Father who until then had been mostly absentee due to an amazing work ethic. was diagnosed with a fatal disease and he preferred to pass away in his beloved Honolulu Hawaii. I would get into my youth and growing up (needless to say there were numerous events that occurred that were equally responsible for the formation of stevo), but that would probably take up most of an autobiography. Maybe one will someday magically appear to the world. Lets just say that like every kid growing up I always felt different and set aside from society. I socialized when I had to and had plenty of girlfriends and have even been married twice (once for 18 years). Until recent years I was always ashamed of all the thoughts that flowed through my mind. So much sex and fetish based imaginations. I was overwhelmed. Let's just say that the discovery of mastyurbation at the age of nine, most likely saved me from legal trouble or at the very least a mob beating.

The fantasies that marauded through my brain were always submissive/Dominant based. Usually involving myself being dominated by some female that I either knew in some way or had just seen during the day. This lasted from the age of nine through college and over 24 years of marriage to two very vanilla women. Paying to be be dominated by multiple strippers on an often daily basis,spending many thousands of dollars to be stepped on by heels or scratched even bitten by a couple very inventive young women. Then the internet came along and changed the game. Everything was available right in front of you without even leaving the house. I have served and played with many online Dommes and camgirls. I always preferred the truly dominant women. The ones who could convince me to do or spend almost anything with very minimal effort on their part. Because they just obviously had that naturally Dominant gene.

Well many years and three states later I'm now where I have always meant to be situated , actually totally owned by The Perfect Goddess. The One and Only Mixtrix. This blog is going to be a way for me to let the world take a glimpse into the amazing but odd world that Mixtrix has so graciously allowed me to exist in. There will be blogs on my daily life as Her servant and also ramblings of mine on the world with a large emphasis on the fetish experience both real world and online.



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